How to Donate

Help us to make the most of our wonderful collections

The Fusilier Museum London is a registered charity and the gifts we receive help to ensure we can keep inspiring the people who visit the museum and take part in our activities year on year. Your support will help us to continue to care for our collections, to put on events and activities which explore the history of the regiment through its 300+ years and to continue expanding the reach of our collection through the museum's website and online catalogue. 
The beautiful new galleries unveiled to the public on April 4th 2011 represented a significant fundraising effort but they were only the beginning of the story. Fundraising is ongoing to help us continue our education and outreach projects and to help us to continue to care for and preserve our historic collection. We appreciate all of the help and support we have received to further these aims. 

If you wish to support the work of the Fusilier Museum London; the easiest way is online via our JustGiving portal. 

Individuals can donate by cheque or by BACS payment using the Individual Donations Form - Gift Aid Form.

Corporate Support, Trusts and Foundations should contact the Regimental Area Secretary;

Major Michael McCarthy
Tel: 0203 166 6910